Day 3
Wednesday, July 3
- 2 poster sessions
- 2 practical sessions on molecular modeling
- 1 spot on nuclear medicine
Poster session
2 sessions to discover the research and activities of ISI NucMed 2024 participants.
Practical sessions
- Molecular modeling part 1 & 2
Nicolas Galland, CEISAM
Researcher in Physical Chemistry and Theoretical Chemistry
Clinical spot
- Radiopharmaceutical development: from bench to bedside…
Faculté des sciences et techniques - Nantes Université
2 chemin de la Houssinière
44322 Nantes
Tél : +33 251 125 212
2 chemin de la Houssinière
44322 Nantes
Tél : +33 251 125 212
How to go?
Access map
NB: due to works in summer 2024, you will have to take a relay bus which runs to the same stops as line 2 of the tramway.
NB: due to works in summer 2024, you will have to take a relay bus which runs to the same stops as line 2 of the tramway.
Mis à jour le 20 juin 2024.